17 October 2023 - Stellar Workshop
Advancing Insect Contamination Mitigation for Laminar Wings: Innovations in Coating and Testing TechnologiesAt VKI, Rhode Saint Genèse (BE)
Full Program available HERE.
19-25 June 2023 - FORUM: RETOS Y TENDENCIAS TRATAMIENTOS SUPERFICIALESCidetec will present the project in this forum : “Recubrimientos de baja adhesión para evitar la contaminación superficial: soluciones omnifóbicas”.
Palacio de Saldanuela, Sarracin, Burgos, Spain
14 June 2023 - SIAE (International show on Aeronautics and Space)Sevilla, Spain
22-23 March 2023 - Clean Aviation Annual ForumFrom Low Carbon to Zero-Emission AviationBrusselsMateria Nova will present a poster on STELLAR.
27-30 September 2022 - Wind EnergyHamburg, Germany
04-09 September 2022 - ICAS (Congress of the International Council of the aeronautcal Sciences)Stockholm, Sweden
18-22 July 2022 - FARNBOROUGH AIRSHOWFarnborough, UK
8 -9 June 2022 - A3TS (International congres of Heat and Surface Treatments)Nantes, France
Presentation of the project by Materia Nova with a focus on the easy-to-clean non-stick coatings as anti-fouling solution for laminar flow preservation and CO2 emission reduction.
07-08 June 2022 - AEROSPACE & DEFENSE MEETINGSevilla, Spain
12 May 2022 - A3TS Webinar dedicated to surface treatments in the aeronautics
Online webinar
03-05 May 2022 - SURFAIR (Surface Finishing in the Aeronautic and Aerospace)Biarritz, Spain
25-29 April 2022 - Hannover MesseHannover, Germany
21 April 2022 - Intercoat (International Networking Forum on Aircraft and Aerospace)Germany - Online event
21-23 November 2021 - PHOENIX APS DFD 2021 (Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics)Phoenix Arizona, USA
14-17 September 2021 - EUROSURFASBarcelona, Spain
14-16 September 2021 - European Coating ShowOral Presentation of the Cleansky projects CHOPIN and Stellar by Materia NOva and Cidetec
Nuremberg, Germany
6-9 September 2021 - European Coating SymposiumIn collaboration with VKI and ULB
Brussels, Belgium
1-3 September 2021 - EASN Virtual conferenceInnovation in Aviation & Space to the satisfacton of the European citizensVirtual event
24-29 July 2022 - Sol-Gel 2022The International Sol-Gel Conference
Lyon, France
1 Avril 2021 - Techinnov 100% online eventParis, France
2-4 February 2021 - Aerospace and Defence MeetingSevilla, Spain
09 December 2020 - European Coatings Technology Web Forum - Functional CoatingsMateria Nova will present a workshop on "Ceramic-like coatings by sol-gel "soft" chemistry for multifunctional properties.
01-04 December 2020 - Windenergy EuropeHamburg, Germany
18-19 November 2020 - RDV Carnot (International B&B event on innovation).On line event - Lyon, France
6 October 2020 - Webinar: Innovative skins for increased durability of lightweight materials Organized by VOM Beyond treatment of surfaces
Materia Nova and Cidetec will make an oral presentation
23-25 September 2020 - SURFAIR CongressBiarritz, France
2-5 September 2020 - EASN Virtual conferenceInnovation in Aviation & Space to the satisfacton of the European citizensPresentation of the STELLAR project
30 June - 3 July 2020 - Global Industry Days - Virtual eventParis, France
25-28 February 2020 - Aerospace Europe ConferenceBordeaux, France
8 October 2019 - KO Meeting of STELLARMons, Belgium